Understanding Validation Strategies under the Uniform Guidelines - 2023 Expert Summit

Presenters: Kristen Pryor, M.S., Amy Yost, Ph.D., Mark LoVerde, Ph.D. 

Originally Aired: February 16, 2023, as part of DCI's 2023 Expert Summit for Employment Attorneys

The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP) have been used by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, and the courts to regulate, litigate, and enforce anti-discrimination laws in the use of employee selection practices since their issuance in 1978. Despite its longevity as the primary professional standards for validation of selection procedures, the UGESP includes many gray areas, and can be complicated to navigate when faced with the complexities of real-world validation research. In this session, DCI Industrial/Organizational Psychologists will address several questions often posed by our clients:

  • Under what circumstances are employers required to produce formal validation evidence?
  • What validation methods are acceptable per the UGESP – and when is each validation strategy appropriate?
  • What “must-have” elements are required by the UGESP to fully demonstrate validity under each strategy?

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